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County Commission Minutes 11/10/99

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, November 10, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. at the Dukes County Courthouse, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Linda Sibley, Chairman
Daniel Flynn
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.
                                Leslie H. Leland
                                Robert Sawyer

                Absent: Tim Carroll
                                E. B. Collins
Also Present:           Carol Borer, County Manager
                                Marsha Smolev, Executive Assistant
                                Michael McCormack, Sheriff
                                Stephen Berlucchi, County Engineer

Chairman Sibley called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Commissioner Jason Moved to accept the Minutes of October 13, 1999 as written.  Commissioner Leland Seconded the Motion.  The Motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Borer began the County Manager’s Report with an update on Associate Commissioner Lothrop’s Survey for Independent Living.  Completed forms are being returned daily.  Commissioner Leland commended Associate Commissioner Lothrop for this survey.

Mrs. Borer gave the Commissioners copies of the Wampanoag Way, and an article from the November 3 Edition of the Wall Street Journal which mentions the Martha’s Vineyard Airport.  Each Commissioner also received a copy of the Martha’s Vineyard Health Insurance Survey that was presented at the Health Council Meeting.

It was reported that Mrs. Borer submitted the FY2000 budget to the State with no budget revisions.  This was based on the recommendation by the auditors (who were here the last week of October), who pointed out that the Airport had contracted for a large sum of money for which there was no appropriation.  

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County Commissioners                                            Page 02

The Cape Air Building is gutted and on its foundation.  Mrs. Borer is currently working on floor plans.  Next will be soliciting quotes for electrical and plumbing services, with anticipated occupancy being mid January.

In the Cape Light Compact report, Mrs. Borer explained that all towns on the Vineyard and some on the Cape have passed resolutions to look into purchasing streetlights.  Cape Light Compact is moving closer to resolving the issue of the power supplier.

The Negotiations Committee has reached a Contract Agreement with the Airport employees.  This should be approved in December.

Mrs. Borer brought up the issue of abandoned cars on the Island, and the need to find a way to help remove them.  A discussion followed.  Commissioner Jason agreed that junk cars are piling up all over the Island.  He suggested a RFP approach, that it would be a public service for the SSA to subsidize junk car removal.  Commissioner Flynn added that SSA subsidy rates have changed, making it more expensive to take junk cars off Island.  He suggested putting a time limit, perhaps 6 months, on a trial subsidy program.  Since hazardous waste is created by crushing cars, it is important to send the cars to appropriate crushing sites. These are presently off Island. Commissioner Sawyer made a Motion to ask Mrs. Borer to draft a Resolution about this issue. Commissioner Jason Seconded the Motion.  The Motion passed Unanimously.

Subcommittee Reports
Commissioner Leland reported on the Jail Study Committee.  There was discussion about letters to the Editors of the newspapers about the proposed new facility.  Sheriff McCormack explained that vehicles might be seen transporting prisoners because all warrants in the Commonwealth are shared by law enforcement agencies.  Sometimes people with outstanding warrants are taken into custody elsewhere in the State and transported back to towns here.  There are 1400 outstanding warrants from Edgartown Court. Commissioner Sibley suggested responding with a letter to the Editor.  Commissioner Flynn agreed.  Commissioner Leland expressed his trust in the Sheriff to do what’s best in this situation.

Commissioner Jason left at 8:15.

Mrs. Borer explained the Intermunicipal Agreement on which the Hospital Task Force Committee has been working.  The Agreement would be in

County of Dukes County                                          Meeting 11/10/99
County Commissioners                                            Page 03

effect for 5 years, the towns’ appropriations being based on the equalized valuation formula.  Included was a timetable for the RFP and a suggested Warrant Article.

Commissioner Sibley suggested that people fear that these funds will be used by the hospital for purposes other than the Emergency Services, or that this money will mean the hospital no longer puts money into the Emergency Room.  Commissioner Sibley said the use of the $500,000 exclusively in the Emergency Room must be part of the Warrant.  

Commissioner Flynn questioned the Termination policy.  Commissioner Sawyer explained the process of termination.  

Commissioner Sawyer thanked Commissioner Jason for his service to the Hospital and directed Mrs. Borer to wish Mr. Ted Morgan well in his new Hospital position.  Commissioner Flynn Seconded the Motion that passed unanimously.

Commissioner Jason returned 8:35.

Commissioner Sawyer handed out an update on the Regional School Task Force Committee adding it may be necessary to regionalize in a process of phases.  He explained that at present, there is no entity, The Martha’s Vineyard School System.

Commissioner Sawyer said he sees a window of opportunity to bring the six towns together on the solid waste issue and would like to discuss it at the next meeting of the County Commissioners.  

Old Business – There still needs to be a Financial Agreement between the Airport and the County Treasurer.  It was noted that Airport Commissioners Tim Carroll and John Alley will meet with County Manager Carol Borer and County Treasurer Noreen Flanders.

New Business
County Engineer Stephen Berlucchi was introduced.  Mr. Berlucchi gave a brief history of his work.  He looks forward to working with the Island Towns and The County of Dukes County. In response to Commissioner Flynn’s question about funding, it was explained that Mr. Berlucchi is paid by the County.

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County Commissioners                                            Page 04

Commissioner Jason moved to appoint the following three people to the Health Council.  Commissioner Flynn Seconded the Motion, that passed unanimously.  The new appointees are:
Elizabeth Norcross (filling the consumer position vacated by Randi Vega,) Kevin Burchill (CEO at the Hospital, position vacated by Charles Kinney,) and Katherine Colon (position representing nurses.)  There are still 2 vacant Chamber of Commerce positions.  

The appointment to the CDC was discussed.  Commissioner Flynn explained that the Community Development Corporation is being revitalized for the Dormitory Housing.  Commissioner Jason was nominated.  Commissioner Leland Moved that the nominations be closed.  Commissioner Flynn Seconded the Motion, which passed unanimously.

Mrs. Borer announced that the Annual Report is at the printer.  The Report is being dedicated to Sheriff Look.

Commissioner Sawyer asked that a meeting be devoted to Visioning.  There was also mention of reorganization of the Airport Commission, possibly reducing the number of members.  

Appointments will be discussed next meeting, December 8, 1999.
Commissioner Leland moved to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Jason Seconded the motion.  The Meeting Adjourned at 9:04 PM.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.

 CLERK OF THE COURTS                   minutes111099.doc